Tkinter GUI widgets
Tkinter provides various widgets for application interface such as Button, Label and many other.
Sr. No | Operator & Description |
1 | Button The Button widget is used to display the buttons in GUI application. |
2 | Label Label widget is used to provide a single-line caption for other widgets. It can also contain images to set as GUI application background as well. |
3 | Entry is a widget used to display a single-line text field for accepting values from a user in GUI application at run time. |
4 | Canvas The Canvas widget is used to draw shapes, such as lines, polygons and rectangles etc in GUI application. |
5 | Frame Frame widget is used as a container widget to organise other widgets. |
6 | Checkbutton The Check button widget is used to display a number of options as check boxes. Allows user to select multiple options at a time. |
7 | Radiobutton The Radio button widget is used to display a number of options as radio buttons. User can select only one option at a time. Mainly used to select 1 out of multiple options. |
8 | Listbox Listbox widget is used to provide a list of options to a user in GUI Application. |
9 | Menu The Menu widget provides various commands to user in GUI application. These commands are contained inside Menubutton widget. |
10 | Menubutton The Menu button widget displays menus in GUI application. |
11 | Message The Message widget is used to display multiline text fields/lines for accepting values from a user in GUI application. |
12 | Text The Text widget is used to display text in multiple lines, like warning or important note. |
13 | Scrollbar Scrollbar widget adds scrolling capability to various widgets, such as list boxes. |
14 | Scale Scale widget provides a slider widget. |
15 | Toplevel The Top level widget is used to provide a separate window container. |
16 | Spinbox The Spinbox widget is a variant of the standard Tkinter Entry widget, which can be used to select from a fixed number of values. |
17 | PanedWindow A PanedWindow is a container widget that may contain any number of panes, arranged horizontally or vertically. |
18 | LabelFrame A labelframe is a simple container widget. Its primary purpose is to act as a spacer or container for complex window layouts. |
19 | tkMessageBox This module is used to display message boxes in your applications. |
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