Search Data in Table in SQLite3 Database in Python
Update Data in in SQLite3 Database Table
If you want to update many data then also you have to update one by one as updating more than one value is not possible as of now in SQLite3
Query to Search data in database
"update table_name set column_name = ? where searchable_column_name=?",(new value, searchable_column_value))
- Here set column_name is the name of the column in which you want to update the value.
- Searchable_column_name is nothing but the location of the row where you want to update data example the primary key value.
- The data matched with searchable_column_value_data, there we have to update the value of the mentioned column_name.
Below is the data what we have in our database with table_name as Employee_Data and Id, Name and Salary as column name
Now let's update Name for Id 103
# program
import sqlite3 as sql
conn = sql.connect("Employee_Details.db") # creating connection with database(created in current directory)
curs = conn.cursor() # creating cursor to database
curs.execute("update Employee_Data set Name = ? where Id=?",("Mandeep", 103))
print("Data updated successfully ")
Data updated successfully
so in above query, we tried to change the Name for Id 103
New Data in database
If you forget to commit(), data will not reflect in Database, as it will not get saved.
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