Read Data from Table of SQLite3 Database in Python
Read Data from SQLite3 Database Table
Reading a data is an important part of any Database operation and can be read in 3 ways
- Single row data
- All data in table
- A specific number of data
Below is the data what we have in our database with table_name as Employee_Data and Id, Name and Salary as column name
Below is a program which will execute fetch API to read the data from database
# program
import sqlite3 as sql
conn = sql.connect("Employee_Details.db") # creating connection with database(created in current directory)
curs = conn.cursor() # creating cursor to database
curs.execute("select * from Employee_Data")
result = fetch API to call here
print("result : ", result)
- to fetch single row
Actual query to be replaced in above program
result = curs.fetchone()
result : (101, 'Er M S Dandyan', 28602.08)
- to fetch all row
Actual query to be replaced in above program
result = curs.fetchall()
result : [(101, 'Er M S Dandyan', 28602.08), (102, 'Techno Xpresss', 29602.08), (103, 'Mandeep Singh', 27602.08)]
- to fetch many row
Actual query to be replaced in above program
result = curs.fetchmany(3)
This will read 3 data from the Table
result : [(101, 'Er M S Dandyan', 28602.08), (102, 'Techno Xpresss', 29602.08), (103, 'Mandeep Singh', 27602.08), (104, 'Mandy', 24602.08), (105, 'Mandeep', 20602.08)]
The return of
- fetch one is a tuple
- fetchall() is a List of Tuples
- fetchmany(size) is a List of Tuples
Example :
# program
import sqlite3 as sql
conn = sql.connect("Employee_Details.db")
curs = conn.cursor()
curs.execute("select * from Employee_Data")
fetch_one = curs.fetchone()
print("fetch_one : ", fetch_one)
curs.execute("select * from Employee_Data")
fetch_many = curs.fetchmany(3)
print("fetch_many(3) : ", fetch_many)
curs.execute("select * from Employee_Data")
fetch_all = curs.fetchall()
print("fetch_all : ", fetch_all)
fetch_one : (101, 'Er M S Dandyan', 28602.08)
fetch_many(3) : [(101, 'Er M S Dandyan', 28602.08), (102, 'Techno Xpresss', 29602.08), (103, 'Mandeep Singh', 27602.08)]
fetch_all : [(101, 'Er M S Dandyan', 28602.08), (102, 'Techno Xpresss', 29602.08), (103, 'Mandeep Singh', 27602.08), (104, 'Mandy', 24602.08), (105, 'Mandeep', 20602.08)]
to know more data reading in SQLite3 Python, please read select query as the data what to read is totally based on Select queries
Example to read an empty table :
# program
import sqlite3 as sql
conn = sql.connect("mydatabase.db")
curs = conn.cursor()
curs.execute("select * from Employee_Data")
fetch_one = curs.fetchone()
print("fetch_one : ", fetch_one)
curs.execute("select * from Employee_Data")
fetch_many = curs.fetchmany(3)
print("fetch_many(3) : ", fetch_many)
curs.execute("select * from Employee_Data")
fetch_all = curs.fetchall()
print("fetch_all : ", fetch_all)
fetch_one : None
fetch_many(3) : []
fetch_all : []
so output shows the return of
- fetch one is NONE if data is not available
- fetchall() is empty LIST if data is not available
- fetchmany(size) is empty LIST if data is not available
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