How to delete data from Table of SQLite3 Database using Python


Delete Data from Table in SQLite3 Database in Python

Delete Data in SQLite3 Database Table

  1. If you want to delete data then you can delete only one at a time.
  2. Anyhow if you want to delete the whole data then we can go with loop to delete all data one by one.

Query to Delete data in database

"delete from table_name where searchable_column_name=?",(searchable_column_name data_,)

  1. Here  column_name is the name of the column,which you want to delete.
  2. Searchable_column_name is nothing but the location of the row which you want to delete example the primary key value.
  3. The data matched with searchable_column_value_data, there we have to delete the mentioned column_name.

Below is the data what we have in our database with table_name as Employee_Data and Id, Name and Salary as column name

Now let's delete Data for Id 103

# program

import sqlite3 as sql

conn = sql.connect(
curs = conn.cursor()

"delete from Employee_Data where Id=?",(103,))
print("Data deleted successfully ")



Data deleted successfully

so in above query, we tried to delete the full data for Id 103 

New Data in database

If you forget to commit(), data will not reflect in Database, as it will not get saved.


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Bangalore, Karnataka, India