Destructor In Python


Python Destructor

Destructor is a special method used to delete class object.
  • Destructor name must ne _ _ del _ _()

#program to define a destructor

class Employee_data :

def __del__(self):
print("destroying object")

  • Destructor is called when an object is getting destroyed.


class Employee_data :
def __init__(self):
print("This is a Python Constructor, called at Object creation Time")

def __del__(self):
print("destroying object")

Emp_data_1 = Employee_data()
Emp_data_2 = Employee_data()


This is a Python Constructor, called at Object creation Time
is a Python Constructor, called at Object creation Time
object            # destructor called during destroying object_1
destroying object            # destructor called during destroying object_2

  • Objects get destroyed during application exit, calling destructor with object will not destroy object


class Employee_data :
def __init__(self):
print("This is a Python Constructor, called at Object creation Time")

def dis(self):
print("hello, I am alive")

def __del__(self):
print("destroying object")

Emp_data_1 = Employee_data()     # creating object
Emp_data_1.__del__()             # calling destructor
Emp_data_1.dis()                  # calling a method with object used to call destructor
Emp_data_2 = Employee_data()


This is a Python Constructor, called at Object creation Time
destroying object
hello, I am alive
This is a Python Constructor, called at Object creation Time
destroying object
destroying object

  • Destructor will take "self" as default parameter


class Employee_data :
def __init__(self, name): # constructor accepts value as parameter = name = ""
print("This is a Python Constructor, called at Object creation Time")

def display(self):
print("Name :",
print("website :",

def __del__(self):
print("destroying object")

Emp_data_1 = Employee_data(
"Techno Xpresss") # object_1 created
Emp_data_2 = Employee_data("Er M S Dandyan") # object_2 created


This is a Python Constructor, called at Object creation Time
is a Python Constructor, called at Object creation Time
Name : Techno Xpresss
website :
Name : Er M S Dandyan
website :
object                # destructor called during destroying object_1
destroying object                # destructor called during destroying object_2


My photo
Techno Xpresss
Bangalore, Karnataka, India