Module OS in Python


Module OS in Python

module OS needs to be import for the same

  • How to create directory.  os.makedirs("directory_name")
Example :
    • if directory does not exist, it will create directory


import os
print("Directory Sample_Directory created successfully")


Directory Sample_Directory created successfully

    • if directory already exist, it will throw File_Exists_Error


import os
print("Directory Sample_Directory created successfully")


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "
C:/Self_Practice_Er_M_S_Dandyan/Python/Pycharm/xml/", line 4, in <module>
FileExistsError: [WinError 183] Cannot create a file when that file already exists: 'Sample_Directory'

  • How to get current directory path.   os.getcwd()


import os
path = os.getcwd()



  • How to check directory / file exists of not.   os.path.exists(directory/ file name)
    • if directory or file exists, path.exists will return True
    • if directory or file does not exists, path.exists will return False


import os
Exist = os.path.exists(
print("Sample_Directory Exist : ", Exist)

Exist = os.path.exists(
print("Sample_Directory/file.txt Exists : ", Exist)


Sample_Directory Exist : True
Sample_Directory/file.txt Exists : False

  • How to delete directory.   os.rmdir(directory_name)

import os
Exist = os.path.exists(
print("Sample_Directory Exist : ", Exist)

Exist = os.path.exists(
print("Sample_Directory Exist : ", Exist)
if Exist == False :
print("directory deleted succesfully")


Sample_Directory Exist : True
Sample_Directory Exist : False
directory deleted succesfully

  • How to delete file.     os.remove("file_name")


import os
Exist = os.path.exists(
print("my_file.txt Exist : ", Exist)

Exist = os.path.exists(
print("my_file.txt Exist : ", Exist)
if Exist == False :
print("my_file.txt deleted successfully")


my_file.txt Exist : True
my_file.txt Exist : False
my_file.txt deleted successfully


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Techno Xpresss
Bangalore, Karnataka, India