Keyword in Python

We have 33 keywords in Python-3.7

Keywords : Keywords are reserved words for any programming language, same in case Of Python.
  • Keywords have a specific meaning and action .
  • Keywords should not be used as a variable name, function name or class name, some programming language may throw error.
  • Python may not throw error but will definitely cause a confusion in programming and is strictly against coding standards.
  • Keywords are case sensitive in Python.

We have a total of 33 Keywords in Pyhton 3.7, among which True, False and None starts with Capital Alphabet, rest starts with small alphabet.

False        break             else            if                    not            while

None        class               except       import           or              with

True         continue        finally       in                    pass          yield

and           def                 for             is                    raise

as              del                 from          lambda          return

assert       elif                 global        non local       try


As said earlier, True, False and None statrs with capital alphabet, reason being all 3 represents to a values, 

True     :   represents value 1 
False    :   represents value 0
None    :   represents null value, means absence of value

How to print all keywords in Python ? 


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