Python Built In Methods

Python Built In Methods

  • abs() : Returns the absolute value of a number.
  • all()         : Returns True if all items in an iterable object are true.
  • any() : Returns True if any item in an iterable object is true.
  • ascii() : Returns a readable version of an object. Replaces none-ascii characters with escape character.
  • bin()         : Returns the binary version of a number.
  • bool() : Returns the boolean value of the specified object.
  • bytearray() : Returns an array of bytes.
  • bytes() : Returns a bytes object.
  • callable()     : Returns True if the specified object is callable, otherwise False.
  • chr()         : Returns a character from the specified Unicode code.
  • classmethod() : Converts a method into a class method.
  • compile()         : Returns the specified source as an object, ready to be executed.
  • complex() : Returns a complex number.
  • delattr() : Deletes the specified attribute (property or method) from the specified object.
  • dict() : Returns a dictionary (Array).
  • dir()         : Returns a list of the specified object's properties and methods.
  • divmod()         : Returns the quotient and the remainder when argument1 is divided by argument2.
  • enumerate() : Takes a collection (e.g. a tuple) and returns it as an enumerate object.
  • eval() : Evaluates and executes an expression.
  • exec() : Executes the specified code (or object).
  • filter() : Use a filter function to exclude items in an iterable object.
  • float() : Returns a floating point number.
  • format() : Formats a specified value.
  • frozenset() : Returns a frozenset object.
  • getattr() : Returns the value of the specified attribute (property or method).
  • globals()         : Returns the current global symbol table as a dictionary.
  • hasattr() : Returns True if the specified object has the specified attribute (property/method).
  • hash() : Returns the hash value of a specified object.
  • help() : Executes the built-in help system.
  • hex() : Converts a number into a hexadecimal value.
  • id()         : Returns the id of an object.
  • input() : Allowing user input.
  • int()         : Returns an integer number.
  • isinstance() : Returns True if a specified object is an instance of a specified object.
  • issubclass() : Returns True if a specified class is a subclass of a specified object.
  • iter()         : Returns an iterator object.
  • len()         : Returns the length of an object.
  • list()         : Returns a list.
  • locals() : Returns an updated dictionary of the current local symbol table.
  • map() : Returns the specified iterator with the specified function applied to each item.
  • max() : Returns the largest item in an iterable.
  • memoryview() : Returns a memory view object.
  • min() : Returns the smallest item in an iterable.
  • next() : Returns the next item in an iterable.
  • object() : Returns a new object.
  • oct()         : Converts a number into an octal.
  • open() : Opens a file and returns a file object.
  • ord() : Convert an integer representing the Unicode of the specified character.
  • pow() : Returns the value of x to the power of y.
  • print() : Prints to the standard output device.
  • oct()         : Converts a number into an octal.
  • open() : Opens a file and returns a file object.
  • ord() : Convert an integer representing the Unicode of the specified character.
  • pow() : Returns the value of x to the power of y.
  • print() : Prints to the standard output device.
  • property() : Gets, sets, deletes a property.
  • range() : Returns a sequence of numbers, starting from 0 and increments by 1 (by default).
  • repr() : Returns a readable version of an object.
  • reversed() : Returns a reversed iterator.
  • round() : Rounds a numbers.
  • set()         : Returns a new set object.
  • setattr() : Sets an attribute (property/method) of an object.
  • slice() : Returns a slice object.
  • sorted() : Returns a sorted list.
  • staticmethod() : Converts a method into a static method.
  • str()         : Returns a string object.
  • sum() : Sums the items of an iterator.
  • super() : Returns an object that represents the parent class.
  • tuple() : Returns a tuple.
  • type() : Returns the type of an object.
  • vars() : Returns the __dict__ property of an object.
  • zip()         : Returns an iterator, from two or more iterators.

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Techno Xpresss
Bangalore, Karnataka, India