- A process of getting properties from one Class to other Class.
- Properties are nothing but variables and methods.
- The class which give its properties is called Super / Base / Parent Class.
- The class getting properties is called Sub / Derived / Child Class.
- Advantage of Inheritance
- Code re-usability
- Code extensibility
- Python supports 5 types of Inheritance
- Single Inheritance
One class will give its properties to other class.
- Multiple Inheritance
One Class is derived from minimum 2 Base classes.
There is no link between two Base classes.
- Multi-Level Inheritance
One class is derived from other derived class.
- Hierarchical Inheritance
Minimum 2 classes are derived from One Base class
Derived classes are not linked to each other
- Hybrid Inheritance
It is a combination of 2 or more type of inheritance.
- Remember, in Python everything is Inherited, means everything from a class to other class is inherited
- There is no Concept of private or public or protected.
- Overriding
In overriding, inheritance always required as it is done between parent class(super class) and child class(child class) methods.
- Overloading